Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One
Gmigo One


Gmigo One

Modular Smart E-bike/E-scooter

Tianjin Jidian Road Technology Co., Ltd.

Gmigo is an innovative modular electric scooter with small wheels, designed for urban young people who seek environmentally-friendly mobility and multiple travel scenarios. In order to transform for different usage scenarios, the unique frame plug-in (disconnecting-connecting) structure has been designed to easily replace different module components. The easily detachable hub makes the folded volume smaller and easy to store. The magnesium alloy die-cast body also reduces the weight.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User